Not Chosen, Just Posin'

I just got a job with a Jewish magazine. I'm not Jewish. They think I am.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Link of the Week (Belated):

As you know, Link of the Week is a new feature that recognizes sites that have phenomenal taste in reading material, i.e. sites that dig my blog.

Daily Jews is the most recent in a long, long, long lineage of such sites.

I'm going to be in Philly for the day (more on that later), so my daily post will have to go up tonight. I'm going to pose a question that my good friend brought up this weekend. I think she has a valid concern and I need your insight, so come back later and help? For now, read Daily Jews.

Oh yeah, SuperJew versus OrthoJew shirts will be here this week!

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