Not Chosen, Just Posin'

I just got a job with a Jewish magazine. I'm not Jewish. They think I am.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Okay, so here's the question that came up this weekend.

My good friend - also a NYC blogger who wishes to remain anonymous for fear that if word gets out that we know eachother, she might uncontrollably blab my name to the wrong person at the wrong time - has somewhat of an identity crisis. Her mother comes from a Jewish lineage, her father does not and although her mother wasn't necessarily raised Jewish, she converted to Christianity. So, in effect, my friend essentially grew up Christian but always recognized her Jewish roots, saying she would raise her children Jewish, etc...

However, whenever she tells Jewish people her background, their reactions are split. Either they go straight by heritage and agree that my friend is indeed Jewish, or they go by her rearing and don't accept her as Jewish. Her problem isn't necessarily the latter. Her problem is Scarlett Johansson.

You see, Scarlett Johansson's mother was raised in a Jewish family, but is atheist. Also, Scarlett does not publically share her personal religious beliefs. Yet, she is fully embraced by the Jewish community because she's a) The Sexiest Women Alive according to Esquire and a few rabbis, and b) She's famous.

So what my friend (and I) want to know is whether or not she has to become famous in order to be accepted or if maybe y'all can extend the love to everyone equally? Let's just make a decision on this one, right here, right now.

Again, here's what we're dealing with:

Mother's family is Jewish
Mother doesn't practice Judaism
Daughter is/is not Jewish?

I mean, come on, it's a bit cheesy to be so easily swayed by fame, fortune and a great ass, wouldn't ya say? Okay fine, the ass got me too.

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