Not Chosen, Just Posin'

I just got a job with a Jewish magazine. I'm not Jewish. They think I am.

Monday, December 04, 2006

It's basically impossible to keep something like this a secret.


I just walked in the door from about 13 hours of travel. I'm beat, but thought I'd share the fact that the first thing that greeted me upon stepping into the office today was a huge, glowing Christmas wreath hanging over our magazine rack. And at my computer, about 800 emails, one of which was an inner-office Secret Santa announcement from the Other Designer. Evidently he's in charge of the office's Jewish santas this year. I'm almost positive that the wreath and Secret Santa are in, someone is onto me and they want to see if I write about the items at hand. If so, you got me. There's no way I could ignore the fodder that is an all-Jewish office hosting, well, yeah...*

So, let me get settled in here, crop some pictures for the documentary, answer some emails and do some work.** I'll put up the next installment of Manwhore Monday sometime today even if it means I have to do it in my sleep (and there is a definite possibility that this will be the case). After all, something about "Manwhore Tuesdays" just doesn't have that special ring to it.

Glad to be back.

*Although, according to Jewbiquitous, Jews Love Christmas!

**I don't know why I even came in today. My boss told me to take the day off, but I insisted due to the guilt that resulted from the fact that I took one measily extra day of vacation time.

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