I gave myself a great idea yesterday: Give up my job for Lent!
I'm not one to go cold turkey about these things, but I thought I'd send my resume to a recruitment firm just to test the waters. As it turns out, they got right back to me and I interviewed with them today. I'll admit to feeling a little sleezy, but I'm pretty sure these agencies are useless anyway.
Speaking of Lent, we went for drinks last night and everyone was wearing their ash crosses, even the manager. The Jews and the Buddhists were whispering about the stupid ashes amongst one another.
"Hey did you see the guy putting his cigar out on everyone's foreheads outside?"
I'm about as gullible as they come, so I was rubber-necking the door trying to see the "guy with the cigar." Then it occurred to me...
So, the new graphic design girl...she smells pretty bad. More on her soon.
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