Not Chosen, Just Posin'

I just got a job with a Jewish magazine. I'm not Jewish. They think I am.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I had a conference all day, but I picked up a new piece of Jewish trivia:

Acording to a cab driver in Las Vegas, the reason the Venitian has so many security guards is because it's owned by Orthodox Jews.

This was the Publisher's Wife's piece of trivia, actually. No one at the table got how the security guards and the Orthodox Jews correlated. Neither did she, which made everyone wonder why she repeated the anecdote.
Here were the resulting responses:

"Was the cab driver Muslim?" (No)

"Is the Venitian open on Saturdays?" (Yes)

"Why do Jews supposedly have more security guards than their counterparts?" (Something about 9/11)

"Oh." (Oh)

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