Not Chosen, Just Posin'

I just got a job with a Jewish magazine. I'm not Jewish. They think I am.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Dear The Publisher's Wife,
You suck and I hate you.
Yours Truly,
The Unpaid Freelancer

Last week I mentioned that I’d received letters from some of our freelancers, and a knock at the door from the janitors, regarding late payments. Here is a recent letter I received from one of the photographers who worked an event that occurred before I even started here. This letter pleases me greatly; mostly because it puts all of the fault on The Publisher’s Wife. Why hadn’t I thought of that?

Just a bit of background. The freelancer who wrote this letter had initially written to The Publisher’s Wife—after the one month payment due date had passed—requesting her rightful payment. To this, The Publisher’s Wife took offense (she probably took it as an accusation that she was not doing her job properly …she wasn’t). This letter is in response to one The Publisher’s Wife wrote back. For some reason, I deleted The Publisher’s Wife’s response, but the premise of her email was threefold:

1) “Calm down” [An attempt to make the freelancer feel as if she’s in the wrong]
2) “Your payment is on the way” [Stalling]
3) “It was all the sponsors’ fault” [Blaming it on others—a very professional tactic, indeed!]

To: Not Chosen
Date: Sep 15, 2006
From: Loather of the Publisher’s Wife

These are the type of very few responses we get from The Publisher’s Wife.

Vague,pompous,unprofessional. They only owe me $800.00... not a huge amount of money, so it makes you wonder if they could be going under? She blames it on the sponsors (_____ Vodka and _____ Investment firm sponsored this event) for their non-payment to the magazine.She obviously is annoyed with me for trying to collect monies that are longover due. It seems as if she thinks it is "normal" to break a contract and that I should just be willing to shut up and wait till whenever without bothering her.I tried calling again last night, left messages, was polite,and, of course,the usual No RESPONSE from her or anyone at The Unidentified Jewish Magazine.

The only professional responses that I have ever received are from the editor, Not Chosen. I will forward the rest shortly.

Thanks so much!

-Freelancer and Loather of The Publisher’s Wife

Hmm, I wonder if The Publisher has seen this? Yet another case of me wanting to accidentally forward the email. I think the Cons outweigh the Pros, however. Having The Publisher’s Wife on my bad side could be hell for me. Also, it would appear as if I am trying to advertise the compliment the writer gave me (although I could easily erase it). I’ve already informed him of the people who have contacted me regarding payments. I think I’ll leave it at that. This is not my responsibility, nor my business really, but it does make for a good read.

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